Finding Solace in Silence: My Journey to Overcoming Overthinking

Ashif Iqbal
3 min readMay 3, 2024

For as long as I can remember, my mind has been a constant whirlwind of thoughts, ideas, and worries. I’ve always been an over-thinker, analyzing every word spoken to me, dissecting every interaction, and dwelling on every problem that crosses my path. This incessant chatter in my mind often led to bouts of depression, anger, and frustration, leaving me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

Photo by Shane on Unsplash

There were countless nights when I found myself lying awake, consumed by a single thought or problem that refused to loosen its grip on my mind. I’d toss and turn, my body tensing with each passing moment, my heart racing, my thoughts spiraling out of control. It was a vicious cycle that seemed impossible to break.

But then, one night, something changed. I was in the midst of yet another bout of overthinking, my mind racing a mile a minute as I grappled with a particularly vexing problem. My body grew increasingly tense, the muscles in my neck and shoulders aching with the strain. And then, in a moment of clarity, I made a decision — I decided to stop thinking.

It sounds simple, I know. But in that moment, it felt like a revelation. I consciously made the choice to set aside my worries and give my mind a break. I reminded myself that dwelling on the problem wouldn’t solve it, and that I had the power to control my thoughts. With that realization, I focused on quieting my mind and allowing myself to drift off to sleep.

To my amazement, it worked. As I let go of my thoughts and surrendered to the stillness of the night, I felt my body begin to relax. The tension in my muscles eased, my breathing slowed, and a sense of calm washed over me. It was a profound moment of clarity — a glimpse of the peace that lay on the other side of my racing thoughts.

Since that night, I’ve made a conscious effort to practice this newfound technique whenever I feel myself slipping into the familiar trap of overthinking. Whenever a problem or worry threatens to overwhelm me, I remind myself to pause, to take a step back, and to simply be present in the moment.

And here’s the magic that often happens: when I wake up the next morning, the problem that seemed insurmountable the night before suddenly doesn’t seem so daunting. It’s as if the break from thinking about it allowed my mind to reset, to approach the issue from a fresh perspective. Solutions that eluded me in the midst of my overthinking suddenly become clear and attainable. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most profound solutions lie not in our thoughts, but in the spaces between them — in the moments of stillness and clarity that allow us to see the world with fresh eyes and an open heart.

In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, learning to quiet the mind and find peace in silence has been a transformative journey. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to simply let go and trust that everything will work out in the end. And for that, I am endlessly grateful.

