Awesome Then, Awkward Now!
We all know how uncomfortable flings etc can get between colleagues within the same office, more so, within the same team. You wouldn’t want to start one these days unless you are absolutely dumb as fuck, especially when there are HR policies in place to deal with these issues.
But what do you do when someone you are in a relationship with, joins the team as a new hire? Such a wonderful thing to happen, right? And you feel on top of the world because you get to spend so much time together – you commute to the office together, go on coffee breaks together, and then have lunch together and finally commute back to home together.
Your colleagues, who know, get to see you stealing glances here and there. So cute!
You feel the luckiest to have your Petite Amie around all the time.
Until you are not!
The possibility never crosses your mind that it might end one day until the day it does!
Now everyone around you senses some sort of awkwardness the days you are in the office, especially in the meetings. Thanks to COVID-19, attendance in the office is only two days a week!
On office days, you can’t look at each other when you talk, but you both need to talk in those meetings!
So, to avoid the awkwardness one of you goes on week-long leave, to not see the sight of the other one. Then you come back!
Then the other one goes!
This goes on for some time and people around you hope that things will get sorted between you.
But it doesn’t.
At some point, we see defeat in one of your faces. You carry the sadness of losing someone you love in your eyes. The fight one of you is fighting to not fall into depression and the tiredness of sleepless nights so obviously visible on your face. We all see one of you losing the zeal.
Sad! Very sad!
At least none of you made it ugly. You have no idea how much we all appreciated that!